34. Convocation Dates, Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
a. Students MUST file an Application for Graduation from a specific academic program with the Registrar by the dates stipulated in the University Calendar of Events.
b. There are three convocations annually: Spring, Fall and Winter with ceremonies normally held in the McNally Theatre Auditorium. Once all requirements are completed, students must graduate at the next Convocation. The following webpage provides all current information about the graduation process and ceremony (https://www.smu.ca/graduation/index.html).
c. Students will not be permitted to convocate if they are not attired appropriately and in the academic regalia designed for their particular academic program at Saint Mary’s University.
d. The parchment shows the academic designation (i.e., degree, diploma, or certificate) as well as any academic distinction which has been conferred but not the major, area of concentration, or minor. This, however, is noted in the students’ official academic record and hence appears on any transcript issued, whether official or unofficial. The subject of honors is shown on the parchment.
e. The University grants the following graduate and honourary degrees:
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Applied Economics Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management Graduate Diploma in Personnel Psychology International Master of Teaching English Master of Applied Economics Master of Applied Health Services Research Master of Arts Master of Business Administration Master of Business Analytics Master of Finance Master of Management - Co-operatives & Credit Unions Master of Science Master of Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa Doctor of Commerce, Honoris Causa Doctor of Education, Honoris Causa Doctor of Fine Arts, Honoris Causa Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa
f. Details of the University’s policies on the reissuing of parchments are available from the Registrar.
g. Students whose accounts with either or both of Financial Services or the Library Systems are in arrears may be denied the right to graduate until the debt is cleared.
35. Degree, Diploma, or Certificate in Absentia
Provided that candidates have officially notified the Registrar in writing at least ten days in advance that they will not be present at Convocation, they may receive their parchment in absentia.
36. University Medals
At each Spring Convocation the following are presented.
a. Governor General’s Gold Academic Medal
This medal is awarded annually to the graduate student deemed to be the top candidate at his/her level of study.
b. Faculty and Division Medals
Medals are presented to the students with the highest cumulative grade point averages in the M.A. (IDS); M.Sc. (Applied Psychology); M.B.A., and E.M.B.A. graduate programs.
(i) In the case of graduate degrees, students’ entire graduate academic records will be considered.
(ii) Students who graduate in Fall or January will be considered for medals at the next Spring Convocations.
37. Students’ Academic Records and Transcripts
a. Students’ academic records, including their official University files, are the property of Saint Mary's University. Access and disclosure of student academic records is governed by the University’s policies, as well as Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP), and the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). As the University is committed to the integrity of its student records, students are required to provide, on their Application for Admission, their complete legal name. Any requests to change that name, by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must be made in writing to the Associate Vice- President, Academic & Enrolment Management and accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. For further information, contact the Associate Vice-President, Academic & Enrolment Management.
In addition to the internal policies, procedures, and practices of the University and the requirements of the provincial FOIPOP legislation and the national PIPEDA legislation, the University, as a public institution, is mandated to collect and report annually to Statistics Canada through the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC). The types of information collected in this Postsecondary Student Information System (P.S.I.S.) project; the uses to which this data is put; and the opting-out mechanism for those students who do not wish this material about them to be used in any fashion are available on request from Statistics’ Canada’s web site: www.statcan.gc.ca or by writing to:
Institutional Surveys Section Centre for Education Statistics, Statistics Canada 100 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway R.H. Coats Building, Floor 13 G Ottawa (ON) K1A 0T6
Via e-mail: statcan.PSIS-SIEP.statcan@canada.ca
Notification of Disclosure of Personal Information to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC) The MPHEC collects student identification information (student's name, student ID number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, and enrolment information from Saint Mary’s University. Enrolment and demographic information is used by MPHEC in the preparation of basic statistics, as well as to understand student pathways through to graduation, and the factors that affect these pathways. The information assists governments and institutions in decision-making and in enhancing the post-secondary learning environment. Personally-identifying information is used only for limited purposes:
b. Students’ transcripts of records are privileged information and to that end will not be released by the Registrar to any individual outside the University without the prior written permission of the students. As required by their appointment, academic administrators within the University have access to students’ complete academic records.
c. Details on ordering transcripts can be found at https://www.smu.ca/academics/ar-transcripts.html.
Transcripts include the following information:
(i) Faculty, program, major, area of concentration, minor, and/or honors;
(ii) advanced standing and/or transfer credit hours;
(iii) grades (failing as well as passing) in respect of all academic work attempted while registered at Saint Mary’s.
d. Where appropriate, reference is also made to:
(i) placement and continuance on, and removal of, academic probation;
(ii) dismissed for academic weakness, or for non-academic (i.e., disciplinary) reasons;
(iii) distinctions and scholarships, including placement on the Dean’s List. Note: All transcripts carry only the student’s birth month and day, not the birth year.
e. While the University takes every reasonable precaution to ensure the confidentiality of student records, students should be aware that the University is connected to a number of external electronic systems, and a number of academic and administrative offices have access, at least on a display basis, to the Student Information System (Banner). Effective 23 November 2000, all post-secondary institutions in Nova Scotia are also governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation (FOI POP).
38. Safety and Responsibility in Officially-Sanctioned University Activities
Saint Mary’s University has policies on the safety and responsibility of students in laboratories, on field courses/trips, in exchange programs/courses, and involved in other university-sanctioned activities. Copies of those policies are available through the Offices of the Deans of the Faculties, the Office of the Safety Coordinator, and the Office of the Director of International Activities. In courses where a safety policy is particularly relevant because of the special nature of the course, or because of the place of study, instructors will make it known to students in writing at the first class, or in the case of study programs outside Nova Scotia, before the program begins.
39. University Research Ethics Board
It is the responsibility of all members of the University community - students, faculty, administrators, and staff - carrying out research involving human subjects to seek approval from the University Research Ethics Board (REB) for their research. Student submissions to the REB should be made through the thesis supervisor. For further information, please consult the REB website: https://www.smu.ca/hreb/index.html
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