
5. Registration

a. Registration of students in graduate programs shall take place at times indicated in this Academic Calendar.

b. Students are not permitted to register until they have received notification of acceptance.

c. Except for students on Leaves of Absences, students must register in every semester (including the summer) until completion of all requirements for their degree.

d. Depending upon the individual graduate program, students are designated as full-time or part-time. For descriptions of full-time versus part-time study, applicants are advised to check carefully Regulation 8, below, and the detailed description of the individual graduate programs within the Academic Calendar. For those programs which allow either full-time or part-time registrations, the status of an individual student will be identified in their letter of acceptance. Changes to a student’s status after acceptance requires permission of the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the FGSR.

6. Academic Advising
Although students are responsible for ensuring that they meet the requirements of their academic programs, the University makes every effort to provide assistance in the selection of courses. Students will receive primary advising on course selections from their Graduate Program Coordinator and/or their thesis supervisor.

7. Payment of Fees

a. For all current students enrolled in the MBA, MBA (CPA Stream) and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management programs, fees per semester are based upon the enrolled courses that semester (i.e. a Per-Course-Fee Basis).  Students in all other graduate programs have their fees assessed on a Program-Fee Basis.  Program-Fee students are charged a fee for their entire program, charged once, or in multiple installments over the minimum time-for-completion period of their programs (for details see the Minimum Time-for-Completion Table in Regulation 19.b. below, the Annual Program Fee Tables on the Financial Services Web Site, or contact the FGSR Office).  Graduate students must register in three semesters per year (including summer).  Annual program fees will normally be assessed over these three semesters

b. Only during the minimum time-for-completion of the program will full-time students be eligible for funding from the FGSR. Part-time students are not eligible for funding from the FGSR. Normally students who receive a FGSR Fellowship or FGSR Graduate Award will receive their funds (less fees) in three installments, one at the beginning of each semester, provided they have registered early.
Note: For the proper assignment of fees and scholarship funds, students not registered in any course work but working on their program/thesis must register in Program Continuation (FGSR9000) for every semester (including summer) in which they are in their graduate program.  MBA students not registered in any courses but completing a major research project (MRP) in a given semester must register in MRP continuation.  

8. Full-time versus Part-time Status

a. For all graduate students who started their programs prior to September 2004, and for students enrolled in the MBA, program (i.e. in Per-Course Fee programs, see Regulation 7, above), full-time or part-time status is identified by course load within the semester. Students must formally register for all courses.

b. For all other graduate students (i.e. those in Program Fee Based graduate programs), full-time and part-time status is defined as below:

(i) Full-Time: a student who is enrolled in a program of study, who makes demands upon the resources of the institution by enrolling in courses, engaging in research, and/or writing a thesis/report under continuing supervision. These students will normally be geographically available to the university, will visit the campus regularly, and will be in pursuit of their studies as a full-time occupation.

(ii) Full-Time Continuing: Full-Time Continuing: a student who is enrolled in a full-time program of study who is beyond their minimum time-for-completion (see Regulation 19), who makes demands upon the resources of an institution by enrolling in courses, engaging in research, and/or writing a thesis/report under continuing supervision. These students will normally be geographically available to the university, will visit the campus regularly, and will be in pursuit of their studies as a full-time occupation.

(iii) Part-Time: a student who is enrolled part-time in a program of study in an approved graduate degree, certificate, or diploma program. These students will normally be engaged in completing 50% or less of the program requirements per semester.

(iv) Part-Time Continuing: a student who is enrolled part-time in a program of study, who has exceeded the minimum time-for-completion of their program (see Regulation 19). Note: Part-time Continuing is the normal, default status for students beyond their minimum time-for-completion of their program registered as Thesis Continuation.

c. Regarding full-time (FT) and part-time (PT) status of students in Program-Fee Based graduate programs, please note the following:

(i) Graduate students will be designated as FT or PT by their Graduate Program Coordinators.

(ii) Following admission, changes in registration status from FT to PT or vice-versa will be allowed ONLY with the permission of the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the FGSR and only when the student’s situation changes so as to satisfy the above definitions. Changes in registration status from FT to PT or vice-versa will be limited to no more than once per term.

(iii) Only during the minimum time-for-completion of the program will FT students be eligible for funding from the FGSR.  PT students are not eligible for funding from the FGSR.

d. For all students beyond their residency periods (see Regulation 19 ) and on Thesis or Program Continuation, the default status of their graduate program is Part-time Continuing.

9. Auditing Courses

With permission of their thesis supervisor, program coordinator, and the course instructor, students may audit courses but they must formally register as auditors in these courses. Auditors participate in all regular class activities, but are not expected to prepare formal assignments, write papers, or take quizzes, tests, or examinations. With the permission of the instructor, however, they may perform these activities and receive an informal evaluation of their work. Audited courses are not given credit hours or regular grades but the notation of AU is included on the students’ official record. Within the normal time limits for changing courses, students may request permission to change from regular registration status in a course to auditing status or vice versa.

10. Course Changes

a. Course changes should only be made with the approval of the Program Coordinator.

b. At the beginning of each academic session, a period of time is provided for students to alter their registration without the change being noted on their permanent records. During these periods, and subject to availability, a course (or section of a course), lab, or recitation may be added, dropped or exchanged for another.

c. For all these changes the period of time required from the first official day of classes is eight working days (excluding Saturdays) during the academic year; five days in a summer session.

d. Changes can be effected only through Banner Self-Service. Consult the Calendar of Events for specific dates.

e. Only in extraordinary cases will a Dean or Associate Dean authorize any course changes after the time deadlines. Special forms for this purpose are available only from those with this signing authority.
Warning: Students are responsible for all required work in the course regardless of the date of their entry into the course.  Students can expect reasonable accommodation if they are impacted negatively by late registration and/or course changes. In Per-Course Fee graduate programs, tuition fees are charged from the first day of classes, even when a student registers late.

f. Students cannot be registered in a course, lab, or recitation which has reached its maximum enrolment and therefore is regarded as being full. In exceptional circumstances, the course instructor or heads of academic units (i.e., chairperson, subject area representatives, directors of divisions, or area coordinators) may authorize a student to register in a closed course, lab, or recitation.  This must be done through an over-ride on the student information system.  The student may then register in the course.  Permission to register does not mean that the student is registered.

11. Withdrawing from a Course

a. Students may only withdraw from a course with the permission of the Program Coordinator.

b. In the case of any course, after the time limits indicated in 10c above have expired, and provided the course still has one quarter of the instruction time remaining, students may withdraw from the course. In such cases a grade of W will automatically be awarded. Students withdrawing from a course after these time limits automatically receive a grade of F.

c. A student who registers for a course and does not withdraw is considered to be taking the course, and if no grade is assigned by the instructor, a grade of F will be recorded automatically. Non-attendance at class or non-payment of tuition fees does not constitute an official withdrawal from a course, lab, or recitation for which the student initiated registration procedures.

d. For purposes of registration, sections of courses, labs, and recitations are considered the same as individual courses; hence academic regulations, procedures, and deadlines apply to all types of changes.


(i)  Students must withdraw through Banner Self-Service.  Alternatively, students may contact the Service Centre to complete a Drop Course Form

(ii)  Students are required to meet the prerequisites for courses. If they do not meet the minimum credit hour or grade requirements, fail or withdraw from a prerequisite, they will be de-registered from any course for which the prerequisite applies. (Students who have been granted a prerequisite waiver are exempt).

(iii)  Students should note that the deadlines for academic withdrawal differ from those for financial adjustment and possible refund of tuition and related fees.

(iv)  Withdrawal requests from courses with ongoing Academic Integrity investigations will not be processed until the investigation has concluded. The date of receipt of the withdrawal request will be considered in such cases.

(v)   A student cannot withdraw from a course in which they receive the sanction of failure for an Academic Integrity violation.

12. Retaking a Course

a. With the permission of the Program Coordinator, students may retake a course. Only the most recent grade is included in the cumulative GPA, even if this is a lower grade.

b. In the cases where courses have been renumbered, changed in level, or where a six (6) credit hour course (formerly referred to as a “full course”) has been split into two three (3) credit hour courses (formerly termed “half courses”) or vice versa, a student who received credit hour recognition for the original course is not entitled to repeat the course in its new format or on its new level for additional credit hour recognition.

c. Students will not ordinarily be given credit hours for a course taken at another educational institution which they have already taken and failed at Saint Mary’s.

13. Transfer Credit Hours and Letters of Permission

a. While registered in graduate programs at Saint Mary’s University, students may be authorized by the appropriate Program Coordinator and the Dean of the FGSR to take a course(s) at another academic institution for transfer credit hours to an academic program at Saint Mary’s. Graduate students seeking such permission must apply to the Associate Dean of FGSR using the Letter of Permission form, available from the Student Accounts and Registration Service. They should complete the application and submit it along with a letter to the Associate Dean of FGSR.  The letter of application should state why the student wishes to take the course at another institution, how the requested course fits into the student’s academic program, and whether it has been determined that no equivalent or other suitable course is available at Saint Mary's University.  A syllabus of the course(s) for which transfer credit hours are requested must be included. The description from an academic calendar may suffice. Students are responsible for completing the proper application and registration procedures at the designated institution.

b. Students who are permitted to take a course(s) at an institution other than Saint Mary’s by means of a Letter of Permission are responsible for paying all appropriate fees to the institution at which they are taking the course(s).

c. Normally, students whose account is in arrears will not be approved to take courses elsewhere.

d. Before transfer credit hours can be considered, students must have the institution concerned send to the Registrar an official transcript of the work undertaken.  If the student does not complete the course they must submit proof of withdrawal.

e. Although grades for courses taken on a Letter of Permission at other institutions will be recorded on the students’ transcript, no transfer credit hours will be given for courses with grades below B (or the equivalent).  Grades for courses taken outside Canada are recorded as TR and excluded in GPA calculations.

f. Normally, Letters of Permission will not be authorized on a retroactive basis.

14. Withdrawals from Programs

To withdraw from a graduate program for non-academic reasons, students must notify the FGSR in writing through their Program Coordinator. After a withdrawal from a graduate program, if a student wants to be readmitted and is in a position to resume their studies, they are required to reapply for admission. The Program Coordinator will be responsible for recommending the terms of readmission, including the outstanding academic requirements and the deadline for completion of the entire graduate program.  The final decision on approval for readmission will be made by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.