International Teaching English (IMTE)

IMTE 5000  Professional Language Portfolio (PLP)    
3 credit hours  

The PLP is an e-Portfolio integrated with SMU’s Learning Management System. The course instructor guides and oversees the student’s work on an ongoing basis. Progress is discussed and shared in a series of seminar sessions during the first twelve months of the program and is submitted for evaluation during the last semester.

IMTE 5625  Practicum I – Classroom Observation and Field Studies    
3 credit hours  

Students carry out classroom observation and learn the practice of action research. The perspectives gained are foundational for their later teaching practicum assignments.

IMTE 5626  Practicum II - Classroom Practices in EAL/EFL/ESL    
3 credit hours  

Students engage in practical application of their developing knowledge and skills about teaching EAL/EFL/ESL language. In-class seminars on classroom teaching, including include micro-teaching, are the focus of this practicum. Production of teaching resources and action research plans are included.

IMTE 5627  Practicum III – Field Experience in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language    
6 credit hours  

Building on Practicums I and II, students design and deliver English lessons in authentic classroom settings under the supervision of professional teachers. The course includes simulations, micro-teaching, and peer coaching as preparation for the classroom experience. Students complete an action research project.

Note: Students with credit for EDUC 5659 are not eligible to enroll in this course.
IMTE 5641  Principles of Language Acquisition for Education    
3 credit hours  

This course is intended primarily for teachers of English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Students focus on the nature of language acquisition. An overview of first language acquisition, including the written language, is followed by an examination of factors involved in the acquisition of an additional language by older learners.

Note: Students with credit for EDUC 5641 are not eligible to enroll in this course.
IMTE 5650  International Issues in English Language Teaching    
3 credit hours  

Students undertake a comparative study of EAL teaching around the world. Comparisons between mainstream approaches to language teaching, and socio-political contexts for offering English language education in various countries around the world are emphasized.

IMTE 5655  Environments for Language Learning: Methods and Materials    
3 credit hours  

This course is intended for teachers of English as a second or foreign language (EAL/EFL/ESL). Students focus on the curriculum and methods used in teaching English to non-native speakers both in Canada and abroad. The focus is on critical examination, analysis and evaluation of selected curricular approaches and pedagogical methods in foreign language teaching. Topics may include teaching for communication, and content and language integrated learning (CLIL).

Note: Students with credit for EDUC 5656 and/or 5657 are not eligible to enroll in this course.
IMTE 5658  Language Awareness for Teaching and Learning    
3 credit hours  

Students learn to describe and explain linguistic structures of the English language for the benefit of language learners. Students focus on techniques for teaching grammar for communicative competence in English. Teacher strategies for addressing common phonological, syntactic, and discourse challenges in the productive skills of language learners are emphasized. .

Note: Students with credit for EDUC 5658 are not eligible to enroll in this course.
IMTE 5661  Language, Culture, and Education    
3 credit hours  

Students focus on the personal aspects of intercultural communication - what happens when people from different cultures interact face-to-face. Topics include foundational issues of culture and communication including culture shock, adjustment, re-entry shock, verbal and non-verbal communication, gender, race and class, children’s ethnic socialization, the status of families as cultural units, and multicultural and anti-racist education. The development of strategies for successful intercultural education is emphasized.

IMTE 5710  Course Design in Action    
3 credit hours  

Students apply principles of language acquisition, linguistics, and intercultural competence to the creative practice of course design. They complete projects that include needs assessment, expressing learning outcomes, developing lessons and learning resources, teaching techniques and evaluation. Emphasis is on selecting, creating and adapting resources that support specific needs and objectives.

IMTE 5720  Technologies in Teaching and Learning English    
3 credit hours  

Students focus on the most significant current trends in technologies relevant to language teaching and learning. Students develop the knowledge and skill required for selective integration of learning technologies in the EAL/EFL/ESL classroom.

IMTE 5730  Teaching and Assessment in EAL/EFL/ESL    
3 credit hours  

Students are provided with an overview of the principles of language assessment to identify the different types and purposes of assessment, including IELTS and TOEFL. Competency-based frameworks are used to evaluate language learners of all ages while introducing models for assessing learners’ language and language skills in the classroom.