Management Information Systems and Analytics (MISA)

MISA 6521  Information Systems & Success (formerly CISY 6521)    
3 credit hours  

Students examine the role of information systems in successful, modern businesses from a managerial focus. Topics include business process and systems governance; business analytics; collaboration and wireless communication; and doing business in the electronic market space. Students will use computer tools for communication, decision support, and project management.

Note: Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have credit for CISY 5521.
MISA 6624  Database Systems (formerly CISY 6624)    
3 credit hours  

Students will examine the design, implementation and management issues associated with database systems. The problems which arise through incorrectly designed databases are identified and their resolutions discussed. Topics on transaction processing and databases on the WWW are also covered. Labs based on an RDBMS package are given to provide a vehicle for practical implementation.

MISA 6636  Decision Support Systems (formerly CISY 6636)    
3 credit hours  

Students explore decision support systems (DSS), computer applications specifically designed to support and enhance user decision-making. Topics include: DSS examples (expert systems, BI systems, data mining, and others), architecture, design issues, and implementation using Visual Basic programming in MS Excel.

MISA 6690  Seminar in Management Information Systems & Analytics (formerly CISY 6690)    
3 credit hours  

This course deals with selected topics in management information systems and analytics. It is offered when in sufficient demand, and specific topics covered may vary depending on the interest of the students and instructor.

MISA 6692 - 6699 Directed Study in Management Information Systems and Analytics
3 credit hours
Intended to supplement or provide an alternative to the regular computing and information systems courses in order to meet the special needs and interests of students, these courses provides an opportunity to study a particular subject in detail and requires from the student some measure of independence and initiative.

MISA 6800  6825 Special Topics in Management Information Systems and Analytics
6 credit hours
Course content varies from year to year.

MISA 6826  6849 Special Topics in Management Information Systems and Analytics
3 credit hours
Course content varies from year to year.