13. Course Changes, Withdrawals and Cancellations (Formerly Academic Regulations 13 and 16)

a.  At the beginning of each academic term, a period of time is provided for students to alter their registration without the change being noted on their permanent records. During these periods, and subject to availability, a course (or section of a course), lab, or recitation may be added, dropped or exchanged for another.

b.  For adding, dropping or exchanging courses in either of the fall or winter terms, the period of time required from the first official day of classes is seven (7) working days.  For adding, dropping or exchanging courses in either of the spring or summer terms, the period of time required from the first official day of classes is four (4) working days.

c. Only in extraordinary cases will a Dean or designate, authorize any course changes or late registration after the posted deadlines found in the Academic Calendar of Events.  Students are responsible for all required work in the course and are charged tuition from the start of term.

d.  In the case of any course, after the time limits indicated in 13b have expired, students may withdraw from the course up to and including the last day of classes for the term.  In such cases a grade of “W” (Withdraw Without Penalty) will automatically be awarded. 

e.  Non-attendance to a class or non-payment of tuition fees does not constitute an official withdrawal from a course, lab, or recitation for which the student has registered in.


i.   Changes can only be made through Banner Self-Service. Consult the Calendar of Events for specific dates. 

ii.  Students are required to meet the prerequisites for courses.  If they do not meet the minimum credit hour or grade requirements, or fail or withdraw from a prerequisite, they will be de-registered from any course for which the prerequisite applies.  Students who have been granted a prerequisite waiver are exempt.

iii.  Students should note that the deadlines for academic withdrawal differ from those for financial adjustment and possible refund of tuition and related fees.

iv.  Withdrawal requests from courses with ongoing Academic Integrity investigations will not be processed until the investigation has concluded.  The date of receipt of the withdrawal request will be considered in such cases.

v.   A student cannot withdraw from a course in which they receive the sanction of failure for an Academic Integrity violation.