9. Final Grade

a.  At the end of each semester, instructors must submit to the Registrar, through Self-Service Banner, the grades of all students registered in their courses. For six credit hour courses taught over two terms, interim grades will be submitted at the end of the first term and final grades at the end of the academic year. The time frames for the submission of mid-year and final grades to the Registrar are:

(i)  in the case of courses in which no formal examination was scheduled by the Registrar within the period designated by Senate for formal examinations, one calendar week from the beginning of the examination period;

(ii)  in the case of courses in which formal examinations were scheduled by the Registrar within the period designated by Senate for such examinations, one calendar week from the day on which the examination was written;

Students have the right to expect their grades to be submitted by these deadlines in conformity with the faculty members’ terms of appointment.
At the start of each term, any blank grades from the previous term will be assigned a grade of F.

b.  Final grades are available on Self-Service one working day after submission by the instructor.  Grade reports are not produced.  

c.  Final grades are withheld from students who have money owing to the University or who have either money or books owing the University Library system.

d.  Grades given at the end of a semester shall not be made known to students except by the Registrar.  Under the FOI-POP legislation, it is not legal for members of faculty to publicly post grades without the written permission of the student.

e.  Grade changes must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered before they can be accepted for processing by the Registrar. Reason(s) for the change(s) is required at the time of submission.