13. Course Changes

a.  At the beginning of each academic session, a period of time is provided for students to alter their registration without the change being noted on their permanent records. During these periods, and subject to availability, a course (or section of a course), lab, or recitation may be added, dropped or exchanged for another.

b.  For adding or exchanging courses in fall and winter terms, the period of time required from the first official day of classes is four working days; two working days in a summer session.

c.  For dropping courses in the fall and winter terms, the period of time required from the first official day of classes is seven working days; three working days in a summer session.

d.  Changes can be effected only through Banner Self-Service. Consult the Calendar of Events for specific dates.

e.  Only in extraordinary cases will a Dean or Associate Dean authorize any course changes after the time deadlines. Special forms for this purpose are available only from those with this signing authority.

Warning: Students are responsible for all required work in the course regardless of the date of their entry into the course.  Students can expect reasonable accommodation if they are impacted negatively by late registration and/or course changes. Also, tuition fees are charged from the first day of classes, even when a student registers late.

f.  Students cannot be registered in a course, lab, or recitation which has reached its maximum enrolment and therefore is regarded as being full. In exceptional circumstances, the course instructor or heads of academic units (i.e., chairperson, subject area representatives, directors of divisions, or area coordinators) may authorize a student to register in a closed course, lab, or recitation.  This must be done through an over-ride on the student information system.  The student may then register in the course.  Permission to register does not mean that the student is registered.