9. Tests, Examinations and Evaluations (Formerly Academic Regulation 8)

Also see Academic Regulation 10.

a.  Students cannot be required to submit or have work due during a scheduled break week, or after the end of classes, i.e,. on study days.   For courses without a scheduled final exam, an exception to the above rule is that Written assignments (e.g., essays, theses, reports, case studies) that have been assigned earlier in the term can be due during the final exam period. Any such assignments must be due no later than the last day of the final exam period of the term. 

b.  At the end of a term, at the discretion of the Department concerned, a final test or final examination may be held during the special periods set aside for this purpose.

c.  All final tests and final examinations held during final exam periods are scheduled by Enrolment Services. The maximum time allowed for a final test or final examination is three consecutive hours except in cases where students have been granted accommodations.  Students requesting accommodations can do so through the Fred Smithers Centre prior to the start of the exam period.  

d. Take-home final examinations may not be distributed until the first day of the formal examination period. Due dates for take-home final examinations are scheduled by Enrolment Services. 

e.  According to their local time, students will not be required to write tests or examinations within the teaching period or final exam period prior to 8:30 am or after 10 pm.  Students will not be required to write more than two exams per day (between 8:30 am and 10 pm), and students shall not be required to write more than six hours of exams per day.


(i)   No single test or examination given during the teaching period shall contribute more than 20% of the overall evaluation in a six-credit hour course or more than 35% of the overall evaluation in a three-credit hour course.

(ii)  Tests and examinations individually or collectively contributing more than 10% of the overall evaluation of the course are not permitted to be held during the last ten (10) working days preceding the end of classes in the fall and winter terms or last five (5) working days preceding the end of classes in the spring or summer terms, except as noted in (iii) below. Final tests and final examinations are to be held during the final exam period as specified in 9a. and b. 

(iii)  No final examination or single assessment during the final exam period may exceed 40% of the final course grade in Fall and Winter terms, and 50% of the final course grade in Spring and Summer terms.

The policy does not apply for the following:

  • Honours Theses

g.  In cases where exceptions are required the weight limits as specified in 8g may be increased with prior approval of the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered.

h.  After calculating final course grades, an instructor may increase the weight that the final exam contributes to a student’s course grade provided that:

(i)  The replacement elevates the student’s final course grade.
(ii)  The re-weighting is applied equally within the instructor's course to all students whose final course grade will be elevated.
(iii)  Prior to the first class date of the next term, the Dean of the Faculty or designate, in which a course is offered may authorize a lab examination worth more than 10% of the final grade within the last ten working days preceding the end of classes in the fall and winter terms, or the last five working days preceding the end of classes in the spring or summer terms. A lab examination requires the use of lab resources. 

i.  Improper use of technology is governed by Academic Regulation 17, Academic Integrity.    

j.  To be eligible to write any type of test or examination in any course, students must be officially registered in that course. Students must write all such tests or examinations at the designated times and in the designated places.  

k.  Students can be required to present their valid Saint Mary’s University student identification cards at any test or examination for possible verification of their likeness, photographs or signatures. 

l.   Students must be notified in writing of the date, time, and location, or online platform of any test or examination. 

m.  Students are responsible for knowing the date, time, and location, or online platform of tests and examinations. For final tests and final examinations occurring within the final exam period, date, time, and location information are posted on Banner Self-Service. This information is subject to revision without any prior notice; students are responsible for ensuring that they have up-to-date schedules. Missing a final test or final examination for reasons of misreading or misunderstanding the date, time, location or online platform does not constitute grounds for rescheduling the missed assessment.  

n.  For in-person final exams, students can arrive within the first thirty (30) minutes of the start time but cannot leave during that time. After the first thirty (30) minutes, no one is allowed to enter or start the exam.

o.  Students are required to be available for the entire scheduled exam period in each term for which they are registered.

p.  In the case of extenuating circumstances that will or have resulted in a missed test or examination during the teaching period, students should complete and submit to their instructor a Declaration of Extenuating Circumstances (DEC) form. 

q.  Instructors shall not request that students contact or visit medical professionals solely for the purpose of obtaining medical documentation for acute illnesses that impact assessments held during the teaching period. 

r.  Students registered with the Fred Smithers Centre will not require medical documentation for pre-determined illnesses or disabilities that impact assessments held during the teaching period.

s.  In the case of extenuating circumstances that will or have resulted in a missed final test or final examination, students must refer to Academic Regulation 10 for requesting a Deferred Final Examination. 

t.  The University acknowledges that due to the diverse nature of its community, some students may, on religious grounds, require alternative times to write tests and examinations. Students who require alternative assessment times on these religious grounds should follow 9l above for tests and examinations occurring within the teaching period and must follow Academic Regulation 10 for final tests and final examinations.  A list of dates of religious observance can be referenced on the Enrolment Services webpage.  

u.  For courses delivered online or through virtual platforms, tests and examinations can be conducted in-person, online or via other virtual methods as presented in the timetable and course outline. Technology requirements needed must be indicated in the course outline. Final exams conducted online during the official exam period must be scheduled through Enrolment Services. 

v.  Supplementary examinations are not offered. 

Note: For more information on final examinations, please review Senate Policy on Final Examinations Policy Number: 8-1016.