Master of Business Administration (CPA Stream)

As the demands of a changing work environment continue to increase, so do the knowledge requirements of tomorrow’s business professionals. The revised full time Sobey MBA (CPA Stream) program has been modified to continue to meet the competency requirements of the Canadian CPA designation as well as the need to provide a strategic focus on key business issues such as:

  • marketing
  • data analytics
  • information systems
  • business strategy
  • project management
  • business consultancy

This accredited (CPA Canada) program has been designed to integrate the breadth of an MBA program and the CPA competency map with concentrated studies in the accounting competency areas of financial management, managerial accounting & performance management. Students who successfully complete this program will receive their MBA degree and be eligible to take the Capstone 1 case and Capstone 2 exam preparation courses and write the CPA common final exam. Only upon successful completion of the CPA common final exam and appropriate professional accounting work experience will candidates receive their professional accounting designations (CPA) from their provincial CPA association. Completion of this program may also meet several of the academic course requirements for the CMC (Certified Management Consultant) designation.

This 12 month, 14 course program of concentrated studies will provide a broad management view of various business and organizational problems. Cases will be used extensively to develop problem solving and communication skills. Students will gain an understanding of:

  • economic,
  • ethical,
  • social,
  • political, and
  • environmental forces

that affect the organization and influence managerial decisions.

Work groups will be formed and utilized extensively within the program to develop leadership and communication skills. However, individual performance (demonstrated competencies) will determine academic success.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the Sobey MBA (CPA Stream) must normally meet the minimum requirements of entry into both the CPA professional education program and the Sobey School of Business MBA program.

Specific admission requirements for the MBA (CPA Stream) are as follows:


Four year undergraduate degree (usually a business degree BBA or BComm) from a recognized college or university. A minimum CGPA of 3.0 (B) out of 4.3 is expected. Official transcripts must be sent from each post-secondary institution attended by the applicant.

Work Experience

Entering students should normally have a minimum of one-year of business related work experience that is not required to be in accounting. This may include co-op work terms, summer and part-time jobs. Employment in an accounting related function post graduation will be necessary to fulfil the practical experience requirements of the accounting profession in order to obtain the CPA designation.  This practical experience requirements can also be completed after completion of the MBA (CPA Stream) degree requirements.

English Language Proficiency

The MBA (CPA Stream) program is fast-paced with much reading, report writing and team work. Strong English language proficiency is important for success in the program. Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate their English language proficiency as outlined in Graduate Academic Regulation 1e with the following additional requirement: A TOEFL score of at least 100 with no band below 20; or an IELTS score of at least 7.0, with no band below 6.5.


Three referees should be current/former supervisors at work or current/former professors who can judge the applicant’s suitability for graduate work and leadership potential. Friends and relatives should not be asked to complete recommendation forms.


In addition to the CGPA requirement of 3.0, students must have successfully completed the course equivalency of the entry level pre- professional accounting education requirements of the CPA profession as outlined by the prevailing Canadian CPA competency map. Minimum acceptable grade in these prerequisite courses is a C with an overall minimum average of C+.  You must also be a member (student) in good standing of a provincial CPA professional body.

N.B. Conditional acceptance may be granted in circumstances where the applicant is registered in an appropriate competency map bridging program or equivalent university accounting courses. Successful completion of said bridging programs/university course is a condition of acceptance to the program.

Applicants to the program who hold an existing commerce degree and a professional accounting designation (CA,CMA,CGA, CPA) are also eligible to apply for the MBA (CPA stream) program. Candidates must meet all the other entry requirements for the MBA program (except a GMAT). As well an admissions interview prior to acceptance will be required. These students may substitute MBA Consulting Project (MCP) (SMBA 6698) and or Directed Study (ACCT 6692) or another approved 6000 level MBA course for the Seminar in Accounting (ACCT 6690) or another of the professional accounting courses with permission of the Program Coordinator.

In order to be considered for admission to the program, the application file must have the following documents:

  1. Complete the online application at, including a non-refundable application fee of $125.00.
  2. An official transcript from each post-secondary institution where courses or programs were taken. These include completed or incomplete degrees or diplomas, upgrading courses and professional certificates. Transcripts must be sent directly by the institution issuing the transcript and not by the applicant.
  3. Essays and short answers, as required in the supplementary form.  The supplementary form is found on FGSR’s website.
  4. Current and detailed resume. Indicate:
    • job title,
    • name of employer,
    • duration of job,
    • nature of responsibilities and contribution made to the employer,
    • education,
    • extra-curricular achievements,
    • volunteer experience and
    • skills.
      A chronological resume is preferred.
  5. Three referees should be current/former supervisors at work or current/former professors.
  6. Applications that do not contain all of the above items will not be processed. Please note that all documents must be originals.

All supporting documents must be sent directly to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

Once your online application is submitted, contact the Sobey MBA (CPA Stream) Program if you require further information or in order to find out the status of your application.

A non-refundable confirmation of acceptance deposit of $500.00 Canadian is applicable. This deposit will be applied to tuition fees on registration.

Applications for admission should be made as early as possible, since admission is competitive. The application deadlines are as follows:

  • Domestic Application Deadline  – 1 February
  • International Applicants – 1 January