11. Academic Appeals

Students who have good reason to believe they have been subject to mistaken, improper, or unjust treatment with respect to their academic work have the right to appeal to the Committee on Academic Appeals. An appeal must be based on solid evidence and not merely on injured feelings. This Committee’s jurisdiction extends only to individuals currently enrolled at the University or enrolled during the previous academic year and dismissed, (i.e., the Committee’s jurisdiction does not apply to individuals whose application for admission to a program at the University has not been accepted).

Please see Academic Regulation 17, for appeals arising from Academic Integrity reports.

Students are encouraged to meet with SMUSA representatives to receive information regarding academic appeals.  Students may bring one member from SMUSA, or a friend, or a peer to join the student for any appeal meetings. Additional individuals are there for support purposes only and are to have no active role in the meeting.

Academic Appeals shall be governed by the following procedures:

a.  Appealing of Final Grades

The only grades that may be appealed are official final grades. Students should be aware that when a grade appeal is launched, the grade can be raised, lowered, or remain unchanged.

(i)   Students who wish to appeal a grade must first consult the instructor concerned within twenty (20) working days of receiving the official final grade and, if unsatisfied, should then consult the Associate Dean of the Faculty or designate, in which the course is offered. If informal resolution is not possible and the student wishes to pursue formal appeal, the student shall forward the appeal form and supporting documentation to the Committee on Academic Appeals through the University Secretariat.

(ii)   Academic Appeals must be submitted within thirty (30) working days from the last day of the term in which the course is taken. 

(iii)  In their appeal documentation, the student must provide specifics as to when the instructor, and the Associate Dean or designate were consulted.

(iv)  It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the appeal form is submitted within the deadlines stated in this regulation. 

(v)  Appeals that fall outside of the stated deadlines will not normally be accepted.

(vi)  Students are responsible for submitting the completed appeal form, copies of any communication with the instructor about the appeal, any relevant course materials pertaining to the appeal (e.g., course outline, assignment instructions, grading rubric, information describing test or exam), and any returned, graded work related to the final grade they are appealing.

(vii)  Instructors must keep and share all materials used to determine a student's grade with the Committee. This includes the student’s grade history and graded work like assignments, tests, and exams that have not been returned to the students. 

(viii)  Once all appeal documents are received, the Committee will promptly review the evidence presented. If needed, a qualified examiner may be appointed to review the grade and submit their report and findings to the Committee for a final decision.

(ix)   Instructors and students are provided with the option of a brief interview with the committee to present their case. Students may bring one member of SMUSA, or a friend, or peer, or student to this interview. These individuals are for support purposes only are to have no active role during the meeting.

(x)   The decision of the Committee shall be final.

Note: For a description of the Role of Student Support person, see the following link: https://www.smu.ca/webfiles/AcademicIntegrityHandbook-OnlineVersionCR.pdf

General Procedures 
A student can appeal their grade under Academic Regulation 11 even if there has been an academic integrity incident brought against them in the same course, as long as:  

  1. the academic integrity process has been completed 
  2. the reason they are appealing is not related to the academic integrity incident. 
  3. it is understood that any appeals or appeal related decision under Academic Regulation 11 shall not override any decisions resulting from the academic integrity process under Academic Regulation 17.  

b.  Other Appeals

On appeals other than those for a change of grade, the procedures shall be as follows: 

(i)   Within twenty (20) working days of the event or decision, the student should first consult the relevant office. If unsatisfied, they should contact the Associate Dean of the appropriate Faculty. If no informal resolution is reached, the student may submit a formal appeal with supporting documents to the Committee on Academic Appeals via the University Secretariat.

(ii)  The Administrator shall forward a copy of the appeal to the Dean or designate of the appropriate Faculty, and, if relevant, to the Chairperson of the Department and the instructor. 

(iii) The Academic Senate of the University passed an Enabling Motion which reads in part “...that the Executive Committee of Senate [be] empowered to deal with all appeals concerning graduation which may be made prior to Convocation.”  Such appeals are submitted to Enrolment Services.

(iv) The decision of the Committee shall be final.

Note: Students may not normally submit a Non-Grade Appeal to withdraw from the course in which there is an Academic Integrity charge against them (as per Regulation 17). 

c.  Decision

If possible, within twenty (20) working days of receiving any appeal under 11a. or 11b. above, the Committee shall render and communicate its decision through the University Secretariat to all parties concerned. In cases where an appeal is upheld and/or changing of the grade is required, Enrolment Services will make the change of grade in accordance with the decision of the Academic Appeals Committee.  


(i)   The Committee shall consult with the appellants and instructors.

(ii)  The appellants and instructors will be invited to appear before the Committee(s) hearing the appeal.

(iii) Members of a committee cannot participate in the hearing of an appeal arising from an action to which they were a party.