23. Convocation Dates, Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates (Formerly Academic Regulation 26 and 27)

a.  Students must file an Application for Graduation from a specific academic program, with the Service Centre by the dates stipulated by the Registrar’s Office and as listed in the University Calendar of Events.  If during the course of the student’s final academic year at the University, a change is made in the Faculty or in the type of program in which the student is enrolled (i.e., from honours to major), it will be necessary for the student to notify the Service Centre of the change to their program.

b.  There are three convocations annually, January, May and September/October, with ceremonies held at each. Once all requirements are completed, students must graduate at the next Convocation. Students are permitted to receive two parchments at one Convocation only in the following instances, namely, registered in two Baccalaureate Degrees (see Academic Regulation 22) or a degree and diploma/certificate program.

c.  Students are required to obtain the academic regalia appropriate to their academic program at the times, dates and locations indicated on the graduation web site at https://www.smu.ca/graduation/index.html.
Students will not be permitted to convocate if they are not attired appropriately and in the academic regalia designed for their particular academic program at Saint Mary’s University. Exceptions to the academic attire may be granted for culturally appropriate reasons.

d.  The parchment shows the academic designation (i.e., degree, diploma, or certificate) as well as any academic distinction (as defined in Academic Regulation 24) which has been conferred but not the major, area of concentration, or minor. This, however, is noted in the students’ official academic record and hence appears on any transcript issued, whether official or unofficial. The subject of honours is shown on the parchment.

e.  The University grants the following degrees:

Degree Description Abbreviation
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
Bachelor of Commerce B.Comm.
Bachelor of Environmental Studies B.E.S.
Bachelor of Science B.Sc.
Master of Applied Economics M.A.E.
Master of Applied Health Services Research M.A.H.S.R.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Business Administration M.B.A.
Master of Finance M.Fin.
International Master of Teaching English IMTE
Master of Management - Cooperatives & Credit Unions M.Mgt.
Master of Science M.Sc.
Master of Science in Computing & Data Antalytics M.Sc. CDA
Master of Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation M.TEI
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Science Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration - Management Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy in International Development Studies Ph.D.
Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa D.C.L.
Doctor of Commerce, Honoris Causa D.Comm.
Doctor of Education, Honoris Causa D.Ed.
Doctor of Fine Arts, Honoris Causa D.F.A.
Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa LL.D.
Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa D.Litt.
Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa D.Sc.

The University grants the following diplomas and certificates:

Degree Description Abbreviation
Certificate in Atlantic Canada Studies Cert. A.C.S.
Certificate of Chinese Studies Cert. C.S.
Certificate in Forensic Sciences Cert. F. Sc.
Certificate of Proficiency in French Cert. Fren.
Certificate of German Language and Culture Cert. G.L.C.
Certificate in Health, Wellness and Sport in Society Cert. H.W.S.S.
Certificate of Human Resource Management Cert. H.R.M.
Certificate of Honours Equivalency Cert. Hons.
Certificate of Linguistics Cert. Ling.
Certificate of Japanese Studies Cert. J.S.
Certificate of Spanish and Hispanic Culture Cert. S.H.C.
Certificate in Mathematical Sciences for Education Cert. M.S.E
Cooperative Education Certificate Coop.
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Applied Economics PBCAE
Diploma in Engineering Dip.Egne.
Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management G. Dip Mgt.

f.  Details of the University’s policies on the reissuing of parchments are available from the Registrar.

g.  Students whose accounts with either or both of Financial Services or the Library Systems are in arrears may be denied the right to graduate until the debt is cleared.