6. Grade Point Average

a.  Each letter grade is given a grade point equivalent as described in Regulation 5a.  A grade point average (GPA) is calculated by multiplying each grade by the number of credit hours, totaling the grade points and dividing by the total number of credit hours attempted.  Grade point averages may be calculated for a semester, year, degree, program or cumulatively.  Common grade point averages are described below.

b.  The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is based upon all courses taken for credit hours in any Faculty at Saint Mary’s other than those for which grades of AE have been given. Courses for which grades of F have been given are included in the calculation of the grade point average. In the case of a repeated course, only the highest is included.  All past decisions on academic matters, such as academic probation/requirement to withdraw, placement on the Dean’s List, qualifications for graduation, academic distinctions, and scholarships, shall not be affected by CGPA changes due to repeated courses.
In the case of a Saint Mary’s graduate completing a second undergraduate degree, the final transcript shall include an additional GPA with a notation stating the GPA is based solely on all undergraduate courses taken since the completion of the first degree.
In the case of undergraduate students applying after a period of absence from their academic program of at least 3 years, or students who successfully switch their degree and demonstrate acceptable academic performance following the switch, the Senate Policy on Academic Forgiveness may apply.  If CGPA calculations of external awards, scholarships, etc. have a set criteria, the Senate Policy on Academic Forgiveness will not apply in those specific cases.

c.  A degree grade point average (DGPA) is calculated based upon the courses presented in fulfillment of the degree requirements.  Since courses without passing grades (W, F, IC, IP) are not used to fulfill degree requirements, they are not included in the DGPA.  In the case of a repeated course, the most recent grade is included.  Grades for courses in excess of degree requirements are not included.

d.  A program (major, honours, minor, concentration) grade point average (PGPA) is calculated based upon the courses presented in fulfillment of the program requirements.  Since courses without passing grades (W, F, IC, IP) are not used to fulfill program requirements, they are not included in the program GPA.  In the case of a repeated course, the most recent grade is included.  Grades for courses in excess of program requirements are not included.

e.  An annual grade point average (AGPA) is calculated based upon all courses completed in a 12-month period (including repeated courses as noted in Academic Regulation 17). AGPAs are used to calculate scholarship renewal, achievement awards, Dean’s list and Eligibility to Continue as per Regulation 7e.

f.  Grades for courses taken at other institutions for which advanced standing is given are not included in calculations for a grade point average, a cumulative grade point average, or in calculations for determining awards and distinctions.  Grades for courses taken on a Letter of Permission at Canadian institutions are included in these calculations.