1. Number of Courses in an Academic Session

a.  Students must register for all courses, whether at Saint Mary’s or through a Letter of Permission at another institution. For full-time undergraduates, the normal course load is fifteen (15) credit hours per term in Arts, Sobey School of Business, and Science (except Engineering), and eighteen (18) credit hours per term in Engineering. Students taking at least nine (9) credit hours per term are considered full-time; fewer than nine (9) credit hours per term is part-time. A student can be full-time in one term and part-time in another within the same academic year.  The exception to this is students requiring a Study Permit who are required to be enrolled full-time in each of the Fall and Winter terms unless otherwise noted on their study permit.

b.  Students with at least thirty (30) credit hours earned at Saint Mary’s can take up to six (6) additional credit hours during the regular academic year (up to eighteen (18) credit hours per term in Fall and/or Winter) without needing permission.

c.  Students may take up to nine (9) credit hours during a spring or summer term (May–June or July–August) at Saint Mary’s, on a Letter of Permission, or through a combination of both.