5. Undergraduate Rating, Grades and Grade Points

a.  The rating of undergraduate students’ performance is given as shown below in equivalent grades, grade points, and percentages.

Grade Grade Points Percentage Points Rating
A+ 4.301 90-100
A 4.00 85-89 Excellent
A- 3.70 80-84
B+ 3.30 77-79
B 3.00 73-76 Good
B- 2.70 70-72
C+ 2.30 67-69
C 2.00 63-66 Satisfactory
C- 1.70 60-62
D 1.00 50-59 Marginal
F .00 0-49 Failure or withdrawal after deadline (see 16 below)
IP In Progress (Applicable only for undergraduate honours courses.)

In November 1997, the Senate of Saint Mary’s University voted to have the A+ grade carry 4.30 grade points, retroactive to I Summer Session, 1988. All past decisions on academic matters, such as academic probation/requirement to withdraw, placement on the Dean’s List, qualifications for graduation, academic distinctions, and scholarships, shall not be affected.

*The course outline may stipulate how the final grade is determined.  While the total of all elements of a course may exceed 50%, a pass in certain components may be mandatory in order to pass the course.

b.  The following grades shall be given when appropriate but will not be calculated in the grade point average:

Grade Notation on Transcript/Student Record Notes
Aegrotat standing AE See Regulation 12
Authorized withdrawal from a course W See Regulation 13d
Pass P See Regulation 12
No Credit NC See Regulation 12
Incomplete IC A placeholder grade given while a student completes the course for a justifiable reason as approved by the Dean or designate.
Audit AU See Regulation 2
Not Recorded NR Used as a placeholder only when an instructor has not yet submitted a grade
In Progress IP To be used for Thesis and Honours Thesis only
Pending Grade PND Used as a placeholder only when an academic grade is pending

c.  The minimum passing grade is D (or its equivalent). Students should be aware however, that a grade of D (or the equivalent) may not meet minimum prerequisite grade requirements. 

d.  In cases where students have not been able to complete the work of the course due to extenuating circumstances, the instructor may, with the prior written authorization of the Dean of the Faculty or designate, give the grade IC (incomplete). The IC grade will not be included in the calculation of any grade point average.  The IC will be automatically converted to a passing grade, “NR”, if the instructor does not submit a final grade as follows: for Fall term by Jan 31, for Winter term by May 31, for Spring term by July 31 and for Summer term by Sept 30. 

e.  A temporary grade of IP (in progress) may be assigned by the instructor with the Dean’s official concurrence in those instances where students do not complete on time the work in honours courses and theses.  The IP grade will not attract any grade points and therefore will not be calculated into any grade point averages.  If an IP grade has not been changed into a real grade six months from the last day of classes in the semester in which the course was taught it will automatically be converted to a failing grade of “F”.  The change from IP being a permanent grade with no impact on calculations of grade point averages to a temporary grade became effective on 1 September 2001 and is not retroactive.

f.  In cases where, through no fault of the student, grades have not been received and processed by the deadline stipulated by Senate, a temporary grade of NR (Not Recorded) will be assigned but will not be included in the calculations of grade point and cumulative grade point averages. This temporary grade of NR is assigned by Enrolment Services. 

g.  A temporary grade of PND (Pending Grade) may be assigned by Enrolment Services if an academic grade is pending.  This placeholder will not be included in the calculations of grade point and cumulative grade point averages.  

h.  The maximum time limit permitted for a change of final grade is six months from the last day of the term in which the course was taken. Except for the changing of an already approved “incomplete” to a final grade, a grade change must be approved by the Dean or designate of the Faculty in which the course is offered. 

i.  Once a final grade has been submitted to Enrolment Services, supplementary examinations or any additional assignments for the purpose of changing that grade are not permitted.