22. Additional Undergraduate Degrees (Formerly Academic Regulation 24)

a.  Students who hold a first baccalaureate degree may obtain a second baccalaureate degree in the same Faculty, but with a different major or concentration, or in a different Faculty and with a different major or concentration, by completing all requirements for that degree as specified by the Dean of that Faculty. Advanced standing may be granted for courses completed in the first degree.  The student must successfully complete a minimum of 50% of the credit hours required for the second degree program at Saint Mary’s.  Among these credit hours, students must complete a minimum of 50% of the credit hours required for the major, honours or concentration at Saint Mary’s.  If the first degree was earned at Saint Mary’s, a minimum of 30 additional credit hours must be earned at Saint Mary’s.

b.  All students who wish to register in a program leading to a second baccalaureate degree must complete the appropriate application form available from the Office of Admissions.  Their application must include the subject(s) of their major(s).

c.  Undergraduate Certificates and Diplomas as Second Credentials

(i)   Students who already hold a Saint Mary’s University degree and subsequently wish to obtain a Saint Mary’s University undergraduate certificate or undergraduate diploma are required to apply officially to the Admissions Office. The academic administrator of that specific program will automatically evaluate the student’s previous academic work and advise the Registrar officially of the precise courses remaining to qualify for this second credential.  This evaluation is an integral part of the admission process and, hence, an acceptance cannot be confirmed nor can a student register until this process has been completed.

(ii)  Students who hold a degree from a recognized post-secondary institution other than Saint Mary’s University are required to follow the admission procedures delineated above in (i).  If admitted, the student must complete a minimum of 50% of the courses required for that academic program at Saint Mary’s University, including all additional courses specified in individual program requirements.

(iii) In addition to regular degree programs, the undergraduate certificate programs to which this regulation applies are:

  • Certificate in Atlantic Canada Studies
  • Certificate of Chinese Studies
  • Certificate in Forensic Sciences
  • Certificate of Proficiency in French
  • Certificate in German Language and Culture
  • Certificate in Health, Wellness and Sport in Society
  • Certificate of Linguistics
  • Certificate of Japanese Studies
  • Certificate in Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture
  • Certificate of Human Resource Management
  • Certificate in Mathematical Science for Education

The undergraduate diploma programs to which this regulation applies are:

  • Diploma in Engineering

(iv)  Students are advised to check carefully the grade point average requirements for the specific certificate or diploma program in which they plan to enroll.